Did you know that Woodford’s Commercial Lubricants Equipment Loan Program provides on-site storage tanks to make sure your business never runs out of critical lubricants?
We’ll get you the right equipment for your needs, transport it to your job site, and deliver the lubricants as needed.
- We offer safe, dependable on-site storage for a variety of lubricants
- A wide range of tank sizes and styles for both shop and field applications
- Tanks are compliant with EPA and OSHA environmental and safety regulations
- We provide Des-Case breathers to ensure tanks are kept contaminant free
- Tanks can be equipped with remote monitoring to avoid inventory runout
- We can design and build customized systems for nearly any job application
Partner with Woodford, and let us be your Total Fluid Solutions Provider. Phone: 1-800-927-3688. Email: info@woodfordoil.com. Follow us @facebook.com/woodfordoil